What is Restorative Dental care?

Pediatric restorative dental treatments refer to procedures that aim to restore the function, structure, and appearance of a child's teeth affected by decay, injury, missing teeth or other dental problems.

Restorative Dental Treatments

Fillings: If a child has a cavity, the dentist may remove the decayed part of the tooth and fill the cavity with a tooth-colored filling. This procedure helps to restore the tooth's shape and prevent further decay.

Crowns: If a child has a large cavity or a tooth that is badly damaged, the dentist may place a crown over the tooth. A crown is a tooth-shaped cap that covers the entire tooth, protecting it from further damage and restoring its appearance and function.

Baby Root Canal (Pulpectomy): This procedure is similar to a root canal in adults. If a child's tooth has extensive decay or infection, the dentist may remove the infected pulp and replace it with a filling material to prevent further infection and save the tooth.

Extractions: If a child's tooth is severely damaged or cannot be saved with other treatments, the dentist may need to extract the tooth. This procedure involves removing the entire tooth from the socket.

Space maintainers: If a child loses a baby tooth early, the dentist may recommend a space maintainer to hold the space open until the permanent tooth grows in. This helps to prevent the remaining teeth from shifting and causing orthodontic problems later on.

Overall, restorative dental treatments for children aim to protect and restore the health and function of their teeth, prevent further damage, and promote good oral hygiene habits from a young age

Happy child smiling after a successful dental visit at Bite Pediatric Dentistry